Marriage is one of the most significant relationships a person can have in their life. It is a bond between two people who choose to share their lives and love with each other, and it brings a lot of joy and happiness. However, let’s be real, as much as we may wish for life to be simple, straightforward, and predictable, it never is. Life throws us curveballs, and we have to find ways to deal with the ups and downs together.

When life gets hard, it is not just one person in the marriage who struggles. If your spouse is going through a tough time, it’s essential to support them in a way that serves them best. The first step is to understand what is causing the struggle. Are they dealing with the death of a loved one, work issues, physical issues, or something else? Once you have a clear understanding, you can begin to support them in the best way possible.

Here are three tips that can help you support your spouse when things get rough:


It’s not rocket science, but this is where it all starts, and it always comes back to communication. We all know how critical communication is in any relationship, but in marriage, it’s even more crucial. Never assume that you know what your spouse needs, even if you’ve been together for years. Our needs change, and if you make an assumption, you’re probably not going to support your spouse in the way they need it most. Asking your spouse how they need to be supported shows that you care and are willing to put in the effort to help them.

Be Present

Sometimes, all your spouse needs is your presence, not your words. It’s easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget to be there for our spouse. It’s essential to take the time to put everything aside and be with your spouse when they need you. Canceling plans with friends or family or rearranging your schedule shows your spouse that you are willing to sacrifice your time to be there for them. It’s a small gesture, but it speaks volumes about how much you care.

Be a Team

Marriage is all about being a team. If one person is struggling, it affects the entire team. When two people live their lives as if they are a team of one, it’s a sign that they are not fully committed to their marriage. When you treat your spouse as your teammate, you show that you are in this together. You are part of their struggle and their victory, and you want to be there to help them through it. Remember, you are a team, and your commitment to each other should always come first.

Marriage can be an emotional struggle, but with the right approach, you can overcome any obstacle together. Communication, being present, and being a team are three crucial tips to help you support your spouse when life gets tough.

Remember, God loves you, and we love you. So, don’t give up on your marriage, and keep fighting for it!

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About the Author Josh

Defending those that can't. Loving the difficult. Serving the one true God.

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